Tuesday 22 September 2009

'My' ToDo list -and- 'God's' ToDo list

Introductory Notes by Rev.Bola
I recently received an amazing tip from my dear friend and on line colleague Anisa, that I had to share with you. Anisa is a facilitator of the Law of Attraction, and teaches how to apply it to one's own life and benefit. Check this out:-

This is an Abraham exercise that is simply indispensable.
This list includes any item that you have on your plate
right now; from returning calls and emails, to praying for a
friend, to writing thank you notes, to picking up the dry-
cleaning to manifesting a million dollars for your new
business venture. You have two columns on your ToDo list,
your side (left) and God's side (right). Anything that you
can't get done today or that you know you will not be doing
today becomes God's ToDo. Simply draw a line from your side
to God's and hand it over to Him/Her!

My Victory Log and My Gratitude List

Nightly, I review my day for what I'm grateful for and any
and all victories.

You can let me know of your successes by dropping me a line
here: Prayer Art by Rev.Bola

For further information about my friend Anisa's work,
go here: www.AnisaAven.com


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