Tuesday 29 September 2009

'Hearing The Still Small Voice Of God'

-- Least complicated method for personally hearing ' God's Still Small Voice' -- in the moment; and utterly free of charge:

Simply put yourself in a comfortable position, either sitting or lying, and shut your eyes. Ingest some deep breaths, become still, calm, focused, and poised inwardly, then merely — REQUEST. That's the complete mystery resolved. Enquire. Ask a question, invite counsel, invite divine guidance or intervention. Then assimilate a further deep breath and execute what I have coined the "idlers project." It entails, doing nada, zilch, nothing, and if conceivable, practising even less than nothing. It is at this point that, the "tranquil voice of conscience" , or that still wee voice of consciousness, alias 'the still small voice of God', will address you in your heart.

So the pivotal point to picking up God's voice is to inquire. The problem is that we omit to ask. Or we believe we cannot or should not enquire. Either because we feel unworthy, or because we have come to believe that God is too far removed from us to be engaged in our activities. We may consider that our requests and wishes are too petty to bother God with. Further, we may have come to believe that God is too preoccupied with other things to be concerned with us. Is God too preoccupied with other things for you? Might God really be too preoccupied for anyone? If you think God is too busy to devote care to you, then you have a really restricted estimation of what God personifies.

It may interest you to know now, that you dear soul, are God's number one priority. You are, so precious to God, and God never stops 'thinking about you. Not even for a milli-second. So, just allow yourself to ingest that thought for a moment. You are that important to God.

God couldn't ever be too occupied. God isn't limited by time, space, or conditions. Consequently, God cannot become exhausted or fatigued. God doesn't merely give aid to "significant" people and affairs. Everybody and everything is significant to God. God doesn't make for favorites. God isn't accessible to exclusively a chosen few alleged "holy" people. God is omni present and all of the time available to all who request.

Are you perhaps, fearful that you might disagree, with what God has to say to you? Fear around the subject, is a matter that requires some exploration, especially as we are led to believe from an early age that when we talk to God it is known as "prayer," but when God talks to us, it is known as… "schizophrenic disorder." If you were to visit a psychiatric office nowadays and report that God speaks to you, the likely response would be to be diagnosed with mental illness and be given a prescription for psychotropic drugs.

We frequently hear reports of murderers—even mothers who slaughter their own babies— claiming that voices in their heads ordered them to commit murder. We hear of cult leaders who believe that God exacts that their followers commit suicide. It is no wonder the widespread belief is that people who claim to hear God's voice are insane.

Yet, there are many awesome benefits to listening for and hearing the voice of God regularly. There are numerous accounts and testimonies, from people who have had life affirming spiritual experiences, blessings of grace, and transformations, from hearing the voice of God and acting on it. Such testimonials lead to the conclusion that a life under such direct guidance from God's voice, flows with much harmony, joy, peace, and prosperity, beyond what one could ever imagine possible without it. So much so it has been noted that, many people who have had just one ten-minute spiritual experience, are so transformed by it that they spend the rest of their life talking about it, for instance writing books about it. Dozens of best-selling authors, have built their entire career, upon that one time, when a divine being appeared or spoke to them. Encounters with the Divine have been known to cause quite a stir. We can see from such encounters, the high regard God holds for human beings, and how important each and ever individual soul is to God.

So here is the next question. How important is God, to you? How willing and open, are you to having God's voice in your life. Do you really want to hear, what God has to say, or do you prefer to drown out that still small voice, by having a great deal of noise, and activity happening around you. Would you rather have lots of different dramas going on in your life, to serve as distractions to avoid hearing God?

Let's remember also, that God is freedom, God is free, and so that freedom extends also to being free of financial charges. God is priceless, and therefore cannot really be bought or sold, loaned or borrowed, hidden, bound or limited.......unless of course , He (or She) chooses to be.
Divine revelation is about experiencing God freely, whenever you want—at will. The entire premise of Divine Revelation is "ask, and it shall be given you."

In the latest book by Susan Shumsky titled: 'How to Hear the Voice of God,' you can learn the do-nothing method, which she calls Divine Revelation®, of hearing the voice of God and receiving divine messages effortlessly, clearly, and precisely.
Check it out here: 'How To Hear The Voice Of God' by Susan Shumsky

If you require further information or assistance with enhancing your personal relationship with God, and coming under Divine Guidance more clearly and directly then go here, to check out my web pages packed with various tools and resources to assist you: *Rev.Bola's Home Universe*

If you have any testimonies of personal encounters with that still small voice of God, that you would like to share then please drop me a line via my website contact page here: *Holy Spirit Services - Contact*

Peace and Light
Rev.Bola (30.9.09)


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