Saturday 5 December 2015

Title: *How to Increase Your Motivation*

Title: *How to Increase Your Motivation*

Motivation is...

 A process that initiates, guides and maintains action. 
 A reason for taking action or behaving a certain way. 
 An inspiration for accomplishing something. 

It’s important to recognise that motivation changes depending on what you value most 
and the situation. You have the power to change the expectation you put on yourself 
and how you feel about the tasks at hand – in order to increase motivation. Past 
experiences, beliefs and even your culture influence your motivation. There are two 
types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. 

When you have low motivation you feel stuck and sometimes frustrated with what life 
has dealt you. You’re usually not working towards a life you love, but instead might 
complain about the life you have. With low motivation you tend to think your 
weaknesses define who you are, rather than realise that you can grow and learn. 

When you have high motivation you make choices and take action to create what you 
want in life. For instance, if you wanted to work in a certain industry you would seek out 
the resources and gain the knowledge you needed to get a job in that industry. With 
high motivation you tend to have a natural interest in what you do; and if the natural 
interest isn’t there to begin with you create one to keep yourself motivated. You seek out 
ways to build your weaknesses into strengths and are eager to move through setbacks 
and failures – you see these as ideal learning curves. And with high motivation you 
recognise that your actions make positive changes… so keep moving forward. 

****Your *Live Life Passionately* - Worksheet****!

1. What do you really want to achieve? 

2. What value will completing this goal add to your life? 

3. What would happen if you don’t achieve this goal? 

4. When do you see this goal as completed? Is this possible? 

5. How will achieving this goal positively change your life and lifestyle? 

6. Does this goal align with your top values? how? why? 

7. What actions and thoughts could you change to help you be 
more motivated towards achievement? 

8. How do you feel about your goal? 

9. How can you generate more positive emotions towards your goal? 

10. Write down 3 ways you can get more passionate about achieving this.

Cool Tip:-
At our regular fellowship support & recovery group meetings, we discuss ways 

of working out what our goals are; and simple but in-depth tools for motivation 
when depressed that really work; even when you can't get out of bed.
To find out more or join us please visit our site here:-



Posted by Rev.Bola

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