Friday 8 August 2014

Title: *Are You Afraid To Listen To God?

Title:*CHRIST'S INTENT* Light Orb 13 - Spiritual Gift Box from collection painted by Rev.Bola

1. Listening to God requires faith.
Faith that God exists and that He is speaking to each
and every one of us. Read Jesus ' words in John 10:27:
'My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they
follow me'. What does this verse say to you about
hearing God's voice? Does God really talk to us?

2. Can we really hear God's voice?
We often doubt if we are hearing from God
until we learn to recognize the ways God speaks to us.
It takes patience and practice to Hear God.
As we grow in familiarity and intimacy with him,
we will be better able to hear. God communicates with us
all the time—through the beauty of creation,
the love of friends and family, and especially through
Jesus Christ.

3. Jesus was the Word of God made flesh.
His coming to earth was God conking us over the head
with the truth that we can enjoy fellowship with him.
And then, of course, he speaks to us through the Bible.
It's called 'The Word' for a good reason.
It's full of all the truth and guidance we need to live
a rich, faithful Christian life.

4. So how has God wired you and I for listening?
Does a sunset leave you breathless? The still,
small Voice is speaking--can you hear it?
Does the swell of an anthem bring tears to our eyes?
The still, small Voice is speaking.

5. How do we listen to God speak to our hearts, minds,
and wills—especially above the noise and stress of
the modern world? What is the process of discerning
God’s will? First we need to believe in God and his
moral laws and make a commitment to please him in
all that we do. Then we need to pray so that we
can experience the peace that can come only from God.

6. To believe you must have a personal experience with God.
A part of God lives inside of you. You are not God,
and never will be, but God will talk to you inside of
your mind. As you read this, you feel a gentle nudge.
That is the Spirit of God awakening. Once it matures it
is going to change the world. God is your creator,
friend and father. He wants to tell you his plan for
your life. Try to be open-minded. If you have doubts—
good, that means you are being honest with yourself.
God can handle your doubts.

7. When God speaks to you, you will know it is God-
-there will be no doubt. Of course, after the experience,
doubt will come back. That is the force of evil.
Evil doesn’t want you to communicate with God because
once you do you are going to change human history.

8. Imagine the God who knows everything about the past

and the future, who knows everything about everyone,
the God who has all the power, the God who can do anything,
imagine this God talking to you. Aren't you excited to
find out what God has to say? I know I am.

9. God has said...
"I want the world to know how much I love all things.
I am the Lord God and I created all. I am going to
do something to show the world I exist. I am going to
speak to the people. My people must learn how to hear
my voice. I yearn for deep communion with all people.
I will not remain quiet. I have a plan for each of you,
a plan that will bring you to the zenith of your creation.

10. God wants to communicate with you.
That is why you are reading this.
It is no accident that you are here.
This is a special moment in time.
God has been calling you for a long time.
God planted a seed inside of you a long time ago and
you can feel this seed awakening as you read these words.

11. When you were a child there was probably a moment
when God spoke to you and you knew it was God.
You felt God's call, but you didn't know what to do.
You have always known you were going to do something
important, but you didn't know what it was.
Growing up you tried to communicate with God,
but you kept missing something. You learned how to
pray and ask God for things, but you didn't know
how to listen for God's voice.
Now you can find out God's plan for your life.

12. To believe we must have a personal experience with God.
A part of God lives inside of you and me.
You are not God, and never will be,
but God will talk to us inside of our minds.
As you read this, you feel a gentle nudge.
That is the Spirit of God awakening.
Once it matures it is going to change the world.

13. God is our creator, friend and father.
He wants to tell us his plan for each of our lives.
Try to be open-minded. If we have doubts—good,
that means we are being honest with ourselves.
God can handle our doubts. When God speaks to you,
you will know it is God--there will be no doubt.

14. The force of evil is also in our mind
and it is at war with us. Evil is always connected to
a feeling of fear. God is connected to a feeling of peace.
Satan is the accuser. God is the comforter.
Evil seduces us into breaking God's law and then
shames us for what we did. Evil knows where we
are vulnerable. If we are afraid of being poor,
evil will tempt us with money. If we have sexual
vulnerabilities, evil will tempt us sexually.
Satan says we are stupid, ugly, no good, broken,
worthless and unlovable.

15. The goal of the Devil is to destroy our relationship with God.
Evil never wants us to communicate with God.
It will laugh at us even as we read these words.
Remember, God has more power than evil and he loves you.
You are God's child, his perfect work of art.
God offers us a wonderful free gift-
-union with him in everlasting paradise.

Posted by Rev.Bola

1 comment:

Rev.Dr. Bola said...

These are the tests that will increase our confidence that the communication we receive is from God.

The voice will acknowledge that Jesus Christ came in the flesh.

The fruit is love, joy, peace, patience kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

A feeling of love and peace will accompany the message.

The message will agree with scripture.

The message will glorify God.

The message will be pure, peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit.

The message will create a humble love for God.

The message will create a new feeling of life and hope.

The message will be true.

Your spiritual friend will agree with the message.

The message will not tell you to rush in blindly.

Love Rev.Bola