Saturday 14 December 2013


      Title: *PEACE* Light Orb 4/ Mm - Visual Prayer Art by Rev.Bola

Peace comes from being able to contribute the best that we have, and all that we are, towards creating a world that supports everyone. The strongest passions, and most dangerous weaknesses of the human breast; ambition, avarice, vanity, the honorable or venial love of fame, are all in conspiracy against the desire and duty of peace. There never was a good war, or a bad peace.

Our work for peace
must begin within the private world of each one of us. There is no duty more important than ensuring that their rights are respected, that their welfare is protected, that their lives are free from fear and want, and that they grow up in peace. 

Only in true surrender to the interest of all can we reach that strength and independence, that unity of purpose, that equity of judgment which are necessary if we are, to measure up to our duty to the future, as men of a generation to whom the chance, was given to build in time a world of peace.

The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people, when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells.This is the real peace, and the others are but reflections of this.

The second peace is that which is made between two individuals, and the third is that which is made between two nations. But above all you should understand that there can never be peace between nations, until there is first known, that true peace which is within the souls of men. Peace is a practical positive policy, which must be attained by, friendly co-operation between the nations, putting the good of all before the interests of each.

Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of. 

Think peace, live peace, and breathe peace and you'll get it as soon as you like. Imagine all the people living life in peace. One definition is that peace is a state of balance and understanding in yourself and between others, where respect is gained by the acceptance of differences, tolerance persists, conflicts are resolved through dialog, people's rights are respected and their voices are heard, and everyone is at their highest point of serenity. But peace does not rest in charters and covenants alone.The definition of "peace" can vary with religion, culture, or subject of study.

Inner peace or peace of mind refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress. Peace of mind, serenity, and calmness are descriptions of a disposition free from the effects of stress. Peace of mind is generally associated with bliss and happiness. Many spiritual practices refer to this peace as an experience of knowing oneself.

Being "at peace" is considered by many to be healthy homeostasis, and the opposite of being stressed or anxious. Therefore, it is contradictory to try to use violence to obtain peace. A J Muste , sums it up: 

'There is no way to peace; peace is the way '.Violence begets violence. If you want to get peace, you can get it as soon as you like if we all pull together.

Commonly understood as the absence of hostility, peace also suggests the existence of healthy or newly healed, interpersonal or international relationships, prosperity in matters of social or economic welfare,
the establishment of equality, and a working political order.

Peace is a sign of harmony characterized by the lack of violence, conflict behaviors and the freedom from fear of violence. Somehow we must transform the dynamics of the world power struggle, from the negative nuclear arms race, which no one can win to a positive contest to harness man's creative genius for the purpose, of making peace and prosperity a reality for all of the nations of the world.

Religious beliefs often seek to identify and address the basic problems of human life, including the conflicts between, among, and within persons and societies. Many Christians call Jesus of Nazareth the "Prince of Peace", and see him as messiah Saviour or deliverer."

For persons to enter this Kingdom and experience peace, Christians believe that one must develop a personal relationship with Christ. 'Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your souls.'

If you are in Christ, you have the greatest power in the world through the Holy Spirit.
Peace comes from knowing that the Savior knows who we are and knows that we have faith in Him, 

love Him, and keep His commandments, even and especially amid life’s devastating trials and tragedies.  “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace.”

I firmly believe that World Peace will become a natural by product of people around the world finding Inner Peace in their lives.I am certain that God is able to complete the good work He started in me,
in every area of my life and I am willing to continue to partner with him, to see the results He has for me.

Remember, the only hope for any of us is peace; God's Kingdom of Peace, wherein persons, societies,
and all of Creation are to be completely healed of evil. For those who reject God, there is no peace. 

Posted by Rev.Bola

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