Sunday 5 July 2009

Unconditional Love from God

I would like to be able to experience infinite unconditional love, wouldn't you and wouldn't we all?
That just about sums up the bases to any and all our problems, desires, disappointments, goals and aspirations.

There have definitely been times in my personal life when I have felt like a train wreck about to happen, utterly inadequate to cope with the complexity of my own life, never mind anybody else's. So I understand if you have had or are having similar feelings. Beware of the man who believes he is perfect with no room for improvement. Not that such a state is impossible, but in are present existence, highly unlikely. Even the enlightened beings and sages of our time, have claimed to have common human foibles, and have been prone to angry tirades and tears.

The great news is that God is completely and utterly in love with you, and also with me. No matter how many mistakes you or I make. No matter where you are in your life, no matter what you think of you, God loves you for all eternity.

Let's keep reminding ourselves, and each other of that fact, every day.

Rev Bola

PS. If you want to know how you can experience God's Love for you more directly in your current life, feel free to contact me for further information about this at:

And, you may also visit my website for more detailed information by clicking here:-

Rev.Bola's -*Loving People Ministries*


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