Monday 17 March 2014

Title: *Personal Power At Home

*CHRIST'S BUBBLE*L6 /Mm - Visual Prayer Art from collection by Rev.bola
 I have now learned that.....
Every object in my home and your home itself is charged with my thoughts and energy. Every time you look at my house and think, "This is too small; I do not like it," I send that energy into my house. It will be there to help bring me down. Every time I say, "What a wonderful place I live in, how fortunate I am to have this place," I make my home my friend and ally. Then, at times when I am not feeling good, I will find solace and comfort in my home. Hating something ties me to it, and if I want to move to a better place, I can start by loving what I have now.
Posted by Rev.Bola