Saturday 16 June 2012

'God Wants You To Know'

Title: 'YOU ARE LOVED'/Mx - Visual Prayer Art from Collection by Rev.Bola A
God wants you to know that....

1. You are loved and very precious to God.
2. You have the right to be treated many times better than the current world system is treating you.
3. You have the right to be completely free of any and all forms of negativity.
4. You have the right to be happy and joyful all the time.
5. You have the right to live a life of peace, tranquility, beauty and harmony.
6. You have the right to all your basic needs for survival being met without struggle.
7. You have the right to enjoy and share all your natural gifts and talents with other human-beings..
8. You have the right to live in abundance, without lack or competition for resources.
9. You have the right to a healthy and fit physical body that does not age.
10. You have the right to direct knowing without being programmed.
11. You have the right to feel safe and secure around other humans.
12. You have the right to only buy, own and use what you actually need.
13. You have the right to be stress, pressure, addiction and compulsion free.
14. You have the right to make your own choices in life, and be accountable for them.
15. You have the right to go anywhere you want, providing you go in love.
16. You have the right to balance in all areas of life.
17. You have the right to know what the rules governing life are, and how to apply them.
18. You have the right to clarity at all times.
19. You have the right to a guilt free, shame free life.
20. You have the right to loving connections with others.
21. You have the right to spend your time with people who care for you and away from people who don't, no matter who they are.
22. You have the right to a pain free passage into and out of the material world.
23. You have the right to unconditional love and acceptance.
24. You have the right to a life of beauty, comfort, luxury and aesthetic appreciation.
25. You have the right to choose not to have any of these things for yourself.